Friday, October 23, 2015

Interview with Adam of Disrotted

Hey all, been a while. Coming up next month, Chicago's morbid Doom troupe Disrotted will be playing a Honshu tour with Su19b to commemorate the release of their new split CD on Tokyo's own Obliteration Records. I caught up with Adam of Disrotted to pick his brain about the history & themes of the band, as well as their expectations of the upcoming tour. Japanese and English follow below:

Japanese Translations provided by members of Zothique

Bloody Ears & Beer: As far as the current band's history is concerned, all I've been able to gather is that your first demo was released sometime in 2014, and your S/T album in January 2015. I know 2 of you were in Winters in Osaka, (a band I got to know via, if I'm not mistaken, a blog I used to write for called Lucid Media), but how did the band come to be and what was the progression like from first formation to first full album release?

BE&B: まずはバンドの歴史に関してだけど、僕が知る限り2014年にファーストデモ音源をリリース、続いて2015年の1月にセルフタイトル・アルヴバムをリリースしているよね。君たちのうち二人はWinters in Osaka(間違いではなければLucid Mediaという僕が以前寄稿していたブログを通して知ったバンド)のメンバーでもあるけど、バンドの成り立ちについて、それから初期の編成からアルバムリリースに至るまでの音楽性の進化についても教えてほしい。

Adam: John, Dean and I have been friends for many years. We all played in fast grindcore and dbeat bands, and we played together on a regular basis. For about a year we toyed with the idea of starting a slow band since it was something none of us had ever done. We finally moved into a jam space and started the writing process. Listening back to our early rehearsal demos and even the official demo, I can say we have progressed by getting slower with every release. It was quite a challenge at first being able to play at the speed we wanted. I think the new LP we just completed and split with su19b finally shows us playing at the speed we wanted to when we first discussed being in a band together. The songs on the demo are played twice as slow now. 


BE&B: You list your influences on Facebook as Corrupted, His Hero is Gone, Incantation, and Winter. Seeing Winter listed as a reference, and also considering Winters in Osaka, my interest was somewhat piqued as to themes playing out in your music. Of course, Winter is probably referring to the US Doom band, with whom Disrotted share a penchant for the sludgy & slow, but "Winter" again comes up with Winters in Osaka (and also begs the question, "why Osaka?"). Does "Winter" act as a theme in your music, or play a part in your creation process? If not, what are the themes being played out?

BE&B: Facebook上で挙げられている君たちが影響を受けたバンドのリストにはCorrupted, His Hero is Gone, Incantation, そしてWinterなどがあるね。それからWinters in Osakaについてもいえるけど、君たちの音楽性が持つテーマについて興味をそそられる。もちろん、WinterといえばあのU.S ドゥームバンドのことだと思うけど、彼らのスロウ・スラッジサウンドはDisrottedにも通じる部分があるよね。でも”Winter”"Winters in Osaka”というバンド名にも現れている。(さらに「なんでOsakaなのか?」っていう質問にも答えてくれると嬉しい!)

Adam: Great question! Obviously, the band Winter is a huge personal influence on me and I return to them when I am brainstorming on ideas for this band. Winters in Osaka however was a project that started out as a homage to the Japanese noise scene. At the time I started the project, I was in high school. I was running a cassette label called My Lai Productions. The tape label introduced me to a whole new world. I was receiving packages from all over the world on a daily basis and discovering some amazing music. It was during this time that I started trading some HMW, a label out of Japan. I discovered some great noise artists like Guilty Connector through his label, that is the one that really stuck out. Anyways, I soon started making tape manipulations and field recordings and started trading it around the globe. HMW's label owner started a sub label called Deserted Factory, and the first few releases were Winters in Osaka and Nadja. With WIO, and Disrotted I feel that the music I am involved in sounds cold, depressing and desolate so "winter" seems very fitting. The themes for both bands are very different, but the end product feels very connected, especially with Disrotted starting to incorporate more noise and electronics into the mix. 

アダム:良い質問だね!もちろん、Winterは個人的にすごく影響を受けたバンドだし、このバンドのアイデアを構想するにあたっても欠かせない存在だった。Winters in Osakaについては日本のノイズシーンに対してのオマージュとして始まったプロジェクトだ。ちょうど俺がハイスクールにいる時、My Lai Productionsというカセット・レーベルを運営していた時期に始めたプロジェクトだ。そのレーベルを始めたことで、新しい世界が一気に開けた。
世界中から、毎日のように驚くべき音楽のパッケージが送られてくるようになったんだよね。その頃、HMWという日本のノイズ・レーベルとトレードをスタートさせることになった。そのレーベルを通じて、Guilty Connector のようなぶっ飛んだノイズ・アーティストの存在を知ることになったんだ。とにかく、その時期にカセットテープのマニュピレーションやフィールド・レコーディング、そして世界のあらゆる場所とのトレードを始めるようになった。
HMWのオーナーがDeserted Factoryというサブレーベルをスタートさせた時、最初のいくつかのリリースがWinters in OsakaNadjaだった。Winters in Osaka、そしてDisrottedにもいえるけど、俺が関わっているプロジェクトには冷たくて、落ち込むようで、孤独に満ちていると感じている。だから”Winter”はという言葉はすごくしっくりくると感じているんだ。もちろんそれぞれのバンドのテーマは大きく異なる。だけど完成された作品には相通ずる何かがあると思う。特に、Disrottedはノイズやエレクトロニクスをよりフィーチャーするようにもなってきているからね。

BE&B: Focusing in on the Corrupted reference, are there any other Japanese bands that come to mind when trying to explain the how/why of Disrotted's sound? 

BE&B: Disrottedのサウンドを語る上でCorruptedを例に挙げていたけど、影響を受けた音楽として思い当たる他の日本のバンドはいる?

Adam: There is a Japanese band called Funeral Moth that plays crushing, slow doom. I have been a huge fan of their for a long time, and I am really excited to share the stage with them on this tour. Their brand of funeral paced doom is unique and its a shame that they are not bigger than they are. It's some of my favorite doom out there right now. 

アダム:Funeral Mothという破滅的なスロウ・ドゥームバンドだね。長いこと俺は彼らの大ファンなんだ。今回のツアーで彼らと共演できるのはすごくエキサイティングだ。彼らのフューネラル・ドゥームサウンドはとてもユニークだし、もっと評価されているべきだと思う。俺が今最も好きなドゥームバンドの一つだ。

BE&B: On a larger scale, what are the Japanese bands that you listen to, regardless of influence?

BE&B: Disrottedへの影響の有無にかかわらず、君がよく聴いている日本のバンドはいる?

Adam: Again, I have been a big fan of extreme Japanese music for about 15 years now. I love the grindcore scene, bands like Gore Beyond Necropsy, Mortalized, 324, Slight Slappers, Senseless Apocalypse, World...those are bands I have been into since I was in high school. I also  grew up listening to alot of noise. Merzbow is a given, but I also love Astro, Guilty Connector (now GUILTY C), Incapacitants, KK Null, MSBR etc etc The split with su19b also features GUILY C on electronics, which was a huge honor to have them on board collaborating with us. I also really like Goth Trad, though he is dubstep some of his tracks remind me of Scorn. 

例えばグラインドコア・シーンでいうと、Gore Beyond NecropsyMortalized, 324, Slight Slappers, Senseless Apocalypse, それからWorld…彼らは俺がハイスクールにいる時からハマっていたバンドだ。それから俺はたくさんのノイズを聴いて育ってきた。Merzbow はもちろん、Astro, Guilty Connector (現在はGUILTY C), Incapacitants, KK Null, MSBRとか…su19bcとのスプリットにはGUILTY Cのエレクトロニクスがフィーチャーされているんだけど、俺たちにとってこんな名誉のことはないくらいだ!
あとはGoth tradも大好きだ。ダブステップだけど、彼のトラックのいくつかはScornを思わせる。

BE&B: Taken as a given that Japan's underground extreme music scene's exposure internationally predominantly consists of Coffins, Church of Misery, Sigh, Melt-Banana, Boris, Abigail, and Merzbow, what is the impression you currently have of the general opinion of Japan's underground in the States? 

BE&B: 日本のアンダーグラウンド・エクストリームミュージックシーンの中で国際的な評価を得ているバンドといえば、Coffins, Church of Misery, Sigh, Melt-Banana, Boris, Abigail, それから Merzbowなんかだよね。米国で日本のアンダーグラウンドミュージックがどのように評価されているか、君の個人的な印象を教えてくれる?

Adam: I would say all of those bands, and Japanese extreme music in general is very respected here in the States. Those bands you have mentioned, and countless others are all known for being creative, innovative and always a few steps ahead of everybody else. 


BE&B: At least one of you has been to Japan before; last year, if I'm not mistaken. I imagine you attended at least 1 show during that time, and in addition to the who/where of it all, the how is of particular interest: Japan's underground, while very welcoming once you find it, is notoriously difficult to access. What was your experience like, and how was it facilitated?

BE&B: もし間違いでなければ、君たちのうち少なくとも一人は以前、日本にきたことがあるよね。その時に一度は日本でのショウに行ったと思うけど、どこでどんなバンドを見に行ったか、そして特に興味深かったことについて教えてくれるかな?恐らく、日本のアンダーグラウンドのショウの情報を得て、そこまでたどり着くのは難しかったんじゃないかと思う。どうやってそこまでたどり着けたのか、君の個人的な体験について話を聞きたい。

Adam: I went to Japan last year November. I was asked by my dear friend Rich Hoak of Brutal Truth to do some noise during their last show at Earthdom in Tokyo. I did electronics on the last two Brutal Truth LPs and it was a true honor to be a part of this. Once I showed up however, I found out that I was doing an improv noise set with Rich Hoak and Kevin well as Shane Embury and Barney from Napalm Death, as well as Hiko from Gauze and Yasue from S.O.B.! I still can't believe that I was able to jam with that lineup. Those are all bands I grew up listening to, and it was mind boggling. The energy in the crowd was something I had no experienced since I was in high school seeing some of my first shows. 

アダム:昨年の11月に俺は日本にいったんだ。俺の親友のRich Hoak(Brutal Truth)に誘われて、東京のアースダムで彼らがショウをやる時にノイズのパフォーマンスで参加してみないかと誘われたんだ。彼らの一番最近の2枚のLPでは俺もエレクトロニクスで参加している。すごく名誉なことだった。でも、俺がたどり着いた時にはRich Hoak Kevin Sharp、そして同じくNapalm DeathShane EmburyBarney, GauzeHikoHiko from Gauze S.O.BYasueも交えた即興ノイズ・パフォーマンスになったんだ! このラインナップでのジャム・セッションに参加できたことが今でも信じられないよ。彼らは全て俺が聴いて育ってきたバンドだし、驚くべきセッションだった。それから、観客のエネルギーは俺がハイスクール時代に初めて行ったいくつかのショウ以来、体験したことがない位のレベルだったと思っている。

BE&B: That experience that some of you have had here, and then also the lack thereof for the others, is something I'd also like to ask about. As opposed to being an audience member, or also as someone who hasn't yet experienced a show here, what are you expecting of the audience, the venues, the supporting bands?


Adam: I am going into this with an open mind since the only venue I know is Earthdom from last year. If the shows are packed, or if no one shows up at all I am just grateful to be in Japan again making loud music with my friends.


BE&B: How did you get together with Su19b?

BE&B: Su19b

Adam: This was super random actually. I have always been a fan of theirs and I noticed that they were starting to be really active again. I had the idea of doing a split with them since I thought our two bands would compliment each other rather well. I am very excited they agreed and we were able to do this split. I have to also note that I am really honored to be a part of the Obliteration Records lineup as well, since it is a label I have enjoyed and followed for a long time. 

アダム:実はとても行き当たりばったりの流れだったんだ。長いこと俺は彼らのファンだったんだけど、最近彼らの活動がまた非常にアクティブになってきていることに気づいていた。俺たちはお互いの音楽に非常に好意的であると感じていたこともあって、彼らとスプリットをリリースするアイデアを暖めていたんだ。彼らがリリースに同意してくれたことはすごくエキサイティングだった。それからレーベルのObliteration Recordsのラインナップに名を連ねることができて本当に嬉しい!長い間俺が大好きだったレーベルでもあるしね。

BE&B: You're hitting Tokyo (Earthdom, Ruby Room), Nagoya (Huck Finn), Osaka (Conpass), and Yokohama (El Puente), and while that's not a huge territory to cover, though not small either, theres transportation, accommodations, sound check, etc to be taken care of - logistics-wise, how are you handling it and what sort of assistance have you had in making this whole thing happen? 

今回、君たちは東京(Earthdom, Ruby Room), 名古屋 (Huck Finn), 大阪 (Conpass), そして横浜(El Puente)を廻る予定になっているね。これはすごく広い範囲ではないけど、狭すぎるということもないと思う。移動や宿泊、サウンドチェック等、ツアーの運営面でケアされなければならないことについて、どのようにコントロールしていくのかな?また、今回のツアーを実現するにあたってどういったサポートを得てきたのかについても聞かせてほしい。

Adam: Our friends in Guevnna and su19b have been a tremendous help! We had our shows booked with little hassle, and Obliteration Records has been great to us too. This will be my first time touring by subway and not driving to every gig like I am used to from touring in the States and Europe. This is a very DIY tour and we are looking forward to the crazy adventure of taking the train everywhere and trying to get to our gigs on time, haha. Luuk from Rectal Smegma is really nice, and has booked my other bands tour in Europe. I look forward to seeing them for 2 nights. I am in contact with the guys in Sedem Minut Strachu and I am excited to see them here as well. Overall, its gong to be a very exciting 9 days for us!

アダム:俺たちの友人であるGUEVNNAsu19bが大きな力になってくれているんだ!ショウをブッキングするにあたってのストレスはほとんどなかった。それからObliteration Recordsにもすごく良くしてもらっている。今回のツアーは今まで米国やヨーロッパでツアーする時とは違って、常に車移動ではなく地下鉄や電車での移動になるんだけど、これも俺にとって初めての経験だね。すごくDIYだし、どのショウにたどり着くのにも電車で移動する、っていうクレージーなアドベンチャーが楽しみで仕方ない(笑)今回同じタイミングで来日するRectal Smegma(オランダ)のLuukにも本当に良くしてもらっているよ。彼には俺の別のバンドでヨーロッパ・ツアーのブッキングをしてもらってもいるんだ。Rectal Smegmaと2日間ショウを共にできることも楽しみだね。あとはSedem Minut Strachuのメンバーともコンタクトをとっていて、彼らと日本で会えるのもすごく楽しみだ。まとめると、俺たちにとってすごくエキサイティングな9日間になることは間違いないね!

BE&B: And actually, now that I think about it, whose idea was it for the tour anyway?


Adam: This was my idea. I had such a wonderful time last year and I was eager to come back. I cannot wait to see all of our Japanese and European friends, and look forward to meeting new friends too. Ad


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